Partyservice/Catering SCHEIDT                 seit über 30 Jahren für Sie da!!!

eigene Veranstaltungs- und Tagungsräume                                                         

Cold Buffet

1 Pers. 15,90

Ham with asparagus

Cold roasts

Ham platter

Salami platter

Various cold cuts

Homemade sausages

Poultry sausage

Chicken legs

Fried meat balls

Sliced paté

Chicken roulade

We recommend complimenting this buffet with our fresh salads


Finger Food

for receptions 17,90 € / Pers.
buffet style 22,90 € / Pers.

Mini Pizza (warm) with salami or ham

Garnished canapès (salmon, trout, ham,roast, turkey sausage etc.)

Sticky "Shanghai" (chicken snack)

Small cheese meatballs with "Texas Dip"

Mozarella sticks served on bed of lettuce

Mini-chicken legs "Mexican style"served with dip

bunch of grapes-cheese sticks

Small stuffed tomatoes withhomemade sausage salad

Melon boats with "Parma" ham

Ham cornets with asparagus and cream horseradish

Tomato-mozarella sticks

Italian vegetable platter with feta cheese



Cabinet cream with fruit salad


Finger Food "Scheidt" 


                                                       for receptions 17,90 € / Pers.                                                              buffet style     24,90 € / Pers

Bread skewers

Butcher's sushi

Crostinis with cherry tomatoes

Ham-mousse pink pepper served on biscuits or
Poultry-mousse "hot spice"served on pineapple slices

Pumpernickel slices with cheese

Snack "Kentucky" cheese-mousse with chicken breast served on a spoon

Halfs of small peppers stuffed with feta cheese

Melon-cucumber-salad with melon-ham-skewer

Cherry tomato-mango-salad served in a jar

Porc-escalope-sticks with dip

small chicken legs "Mexico"(warm)


Orange-carpaccio with lemon or orange pepper

