Partyservice/Catering SCHEIDT                 seit über 30 Jahren für Sie da!!!

eigene Veranstaltungs- und Tagungsräume                                                         

Main Courses


    each    person    

    Sliced soja    "Zurich Style"    

    8,20 €    

    Sojagoulasch    "Hungarian Style“    

    8,20 €    


   7,20 €



    each    person    

    Stuffed potato dumplings "Herzdrigger" with bacon-cream-sauce    

    6,90 €    

    Pork roast with cream sauce    

    8,90 €    

    Pork roast with mushrooms    

    8,90 €    

    Sliced pork with beer sauce    

    9,90 €    

    Pork steaks with beer sauce    

    9,90 €     

    Rolled pork roast "Cordon    Bleu"    

    9,90 €     

    Pork steaks with pineapples    

    9,90 €     

    Pork steaks with mushrooms    

    9,90 €     

    Pork roast stuffed with broccoli    

    9,90 €     

    Sliced pork with mushrooms    

    9,90 €     

    Vol-au-vent    (with smoked pork)    

    9,90 €     

    Smoked pork with pineapples    

    9,90 €     

    Pork steaks with garlic    

    9,90 €     

    Stuffed pork roast (regional speciality)    

    9,90 €     

    Pork steaks with green pepper    

    9,90 €     

    Pizza steaks    

    9,90 €     

    Pork steaks with cream sauce    

    9,90 €     

    Sliced pork in pepper-cream    sauce    

    9,90 €     

    Roast pork "Valentino"    stuffed with white bread and leek    

    9,90 €     

    Sliced pork    fillet "Vienna style"    

    10,40 €    

    Rolled roast pork (sucking pig)    

    10,40 €     

    Stuffed pork fillet "Farmer    style"    

    10,40 €     

    Pork medallions with chanterelles    

    10,40 €     

    Pork roast stuffed with    mushrooms    

    10,40 €     

    Sliced pork pastry with white    wine sauce    

    10,90 €     

    Piccata    (pork saddle with parmesan cheese crust)    

    10,90 €    

    Sucking pig sliced in your    presence    

    11,90 €


each    person

    Roast beef in red wine sauce    

9,90 €

    Roast beef á la mode    

9,90 €

    Sour beef, roast beef marinated    in vinegar and spice    

9,90 €

    Boeuf Stroganoff with cream sauce    

9,90 €

    Boiled beef with horseradish    sauce    

9,90 €

    Rolled stuffed beef "Rouladen"    

10,90 €

    Scheidt´s special roast beef    

10,90 €

    Roast beef with herb crust    

11,40 €

    Delicious beef fillet strips    "Madagaskar" with pepper cream sauce    

11,90 €


each    person

    Roast veal with truffle sauce    "Dubarry"    

10,40 €

    Osso Buco    (veal knuckles) "Tuscan style"    

10,40 €

Stuffed veal breast

10,90 €

Sliced veal "Swiss style"

10,90 €

Saltimbocca à la Romana (veal    escalope with ham)

10,90 €

Ragout Fin au gratin, with veal in a pastry crust

10,90 €

turkey and chicken    

each    person

    Chicken legs "Florida"    

7,90 €

Chinese casserole

9,90 €

Rolled roast turkey "Bombay"

9,90 €

Chicken breast fillet in pastry crust, with    spinach

10,40 €

Roasted duck with marjoram sauce

10,40 €

Chicken breast with morel cream sauce

10,40 €


10,40 €

Sliced turkey breast

10,40 €

Rolled roast turkey with herbs and pistachios

10,40 €

Turkey steaks with curry-cream-sauce

10,40 €

Stuffed turkey breast with spinach in white wine    sauce

10,40 €

Chicken fricassee with vegetables

10,90 €

Duck breast á la Orange

11,90 €

fish and seafood

each    person

    “Alaska” coalfish fillet with    dill-cream-sauce    

9,90 €

Trout with mustard cream

10,40 €

Fish kebabs with dill-cream-sauce

10,40 €

Breaded coalfish fillet with almonds, au gratin

10,40 €

Redfish fillet á la Bordelaise with    cheese-broccoli-crust

10,40 €

Fish casserole "Marseille"

10,90 €

Fish casserole "Gourmet" with salmon

11,90 €

Gratin with king prawns and spinach

11,90 €

Fresh salmon fillet with spinach

11,90 €

Fresh salmon fillet with morel cream sauce

11,90 €


each    person

    Marinated red deer roast with    cranberry sauce    

11,40 €

Small deer roast with venison cream sauce

11,40 €


each    person

    Stuffed lamb leg with feta    cheese    

10,90 €

Meat rolls "Ireland" with lamb



each    person

    Canneloni with meat stuffing    

8,90 €


8,90 €

Tagliatelle    with ham and cream sauce

8,90 €

Green tortellini with blue cheese sauce

8,90 €